Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Too Many Movie Reviews...Time to MIX IT UP!

So, I apologize, because it seems that this blog has turned into a bit of a movie review blog. That was not my intention, but when your brother works at a movie theater and you can get into almost any movie you want with only having to pay for your small fishbowl sized diet soda and cookie dough bites, you tend to see a lot of movies that could use a bit of a review.

Anyway, I am in a "write-y" mood right now, so I am going to mix it up!

This post is the pre-cursor, if you will, to the next post, which will be the actual mixed-up post...if that makes sense?

Basically...this was a prologue to explain why I have so many movie reviews up, and that the next few posts will be different...

So, now that that is straightened out...ON TO THE NEXT!

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