Monday, October 17, 2011

The 13 Nights of Halloween

Happy Halloween!

Okay, so it's about two weeks too early, but it's never too early to celebrate this holiday in my book! Seriously, in my planner I have pictures of pumpkins and ghosts drawn all over this month(which is not weird).

I was channel surfing the other day, trying to avoid homework, when I came across a commercial on ABC Family for the "13 Nights of Halloween." I stopped to watch the entire preview and literally jumped off of my bed in a pure burst of excitement for what was to come.

The "13 Nights of Halloween" is a 13 day special on ABC Family that contains classic movies and TV episodes celebrating everybody's favorite candy eating holiday, Halloween (I don't count Valentine's Day, because it's not a real holiday in my eyes).

ABC Family has some of the best original content out there right now, including Pretty Little Liars(I'm slightly addicted to this show, I mean the clothes and the drama, need I say more?), as well as those classic television shows you just can't get enough of, like Full House. They are also known for playing all of those movies that you would gladly spend a Saturday night inside watching. I'm talking about "Nobody puts baby in a corner", "I'm the king of the world", and "O'Doyle Rules!", type movies (if you didn't catch the references, I'm referring to Dirty Dancing, Titanic and Billy Madison, respectively).

This time around, ABC Family is airing special spooky content all the way until "All Hallows Eve" is upon us. The line up includes Nightmare Before Christmas, The Goonies, The Haunted Mansion and a special Halloween episode of Pretty Little Liars (which I will be watching and reviewing for this blog so check back on Thursday). Hocus Pocus is one of my personal favorites! I mean it is the perfect Halloween movie; there's a talking cat, a creepy song that lures children into the woods(check it out below) and Sarah Jessica Parker before she became the fabulous Carrie Bradshaw.

For a full list of movies and shows that will be airing, check out the schedule. And, if you need to find me for the next 13 days, I'll be in my room with some candy corn and popcorn balls watching TV! The website says it best,  "grab a fistful of Halloween candy and settle in for some dark and stormy nights, because the 13 Nights of Halloween are coming for you. And there's no escape!" Happy watching!

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